Mari lives a comfortable life as a single woman. She has a nice job at a company and resides in an apartment in the suburbs of Tokyo. A couple lives next to door to her. Mari can hear them argue or making happy conversations everyday. One night, when Mari comes back home, she sees her next door neighbor sitting in front of his door and shivering from the cold. He locked himself out.

監督: 筒井武文
脚本: 宮崎大祐
撮影監督: 芦澤明子
照明: 御木茂則
美術: 三ツ松けいこ
録音: 良井真一
整音: 黄永昌
サウンドデザイン: 森永泰弘
プロデュース: 横山昌吾

製作国: 日本
分数: 88分
形式: 35mm