

Setan Jawa is a contemporary silent film directed by Indonesian master film director, Garin Nugroho to be screened with accompanying live music, under the concept of "Expanded Cinema". This masterpiece was internationally premiered in Melbourne in Australia, followed by worldwide screenings and performances including in Singapore, Amsterdam and Berlin. Japan premiere will be held in Tokyo on July 2nd, 2019 with the 3D sound designed by an emerging sound artist Yasuhiro Morinaga and with the participation by KOM_I, vocalist of "Wednesday Campanella."

A Widow in Batavia

『A Widow in Batavia(バタヴィアの未亡人) 』は、17世紀に長崎で生まれた日蘭混血女性のコルネリア・ファン・ネイエンローデ (Cornelia van Nijenroode)をテーマに大航海時代のアジア島嶼部と現代文化の関係を探る音を扱ったコンサート作品です。本作品は環境音や楽器音そして電子音を駆使しながら、異なる世界の変化を同時に操作していくもので、立体音響技術による特殊音場を取り入れライブ演奏と融合していくものです。 本コンサートは、大航海時代のアジア島嶼の各地で使用された数々のテクストを土台に、その時代性を描写している箇所が多くあります。日本や東南アジアで使用されていた「じゃがたら文」「オラショ」「パントゥン(Pantun)」といった異なるテクストを全体の連続した時間の中で扱い、マルチプルな世界観を束ねてゆく試みです。この世界観を創出するために電子音や環境音を立体音場の装置の中で展開させ、西洋楽器やインドネシア楽器を取り入れることで、音や音楽の異なる世界観を重層的に展開してゆく作品として創作したものです。

Anabiosis Passage

"Anabiosis Passage" is a concert in which media technologies creates pioneering music based on Indonesian music cultures including the traditional, pop, and modern music. This unique work stems from "To Belong", the modern dance work by choreographer, Akiko Kitamura, in which Yasuhiro Morinaga takes part as a music director. "Anabiosis Passage" features sounds which Morinaga fieldrecorded in Indonesia, and musicians he met then. This work interprets the Indonesian culture in a modern context by dealing with gamelan, Kroncong, and Hip Hop music and local environmental sounds of Indonesia. This work also deals with the Indonesian musical instruments including the style of rendition and narrative literature as motifs, and creates a modern ritual space based on media technologies. Morinaga from Japan takes the roles of music director and electronic manipulator. Musicians of a string quartet and a pianist are also invited to this work from Japan. "Anabiosis Passage" is definitely a work in which tradition and modernity interact with one another between Indonesia and Japan.